In the domain of PHP programming, employing succinct conditional operators not only elevates code readability but also enhances its conciseness. This article delves into two specialized shorthand conditional operators in PHP: the Ternary Operator and the Null Coalescing Operator. Let’s explore the intricacies of PHP Ternary Shorthand to facilitate efficient and succinct coding.

Exploring the Ternary Operator in PHP: Ternary Syntax

The Ternary Operator provides a concise approach to execute conditional checks in PHP. Its syntax is structured as follows:

(condition) ? (on true) : (on false)

If the condition is true, the result of the “on true” expression is returned; otherwise, the result of the “on false” expression is returned. Since PHP 5.3, you can omit the “on true” expression using `(condition) ?: (on false)`, returning the result of the condition if true and the “on false” expression if false.

Example: PHP Ternary Operator

$username = 'Hyvor';

echo 'Hello ' . ($username ?: 'Guest') . '<br>'; // Output: Hello Hyvor

$username = null;
echo 'Hello ' . ($username ?: 'Guest') . '<br>'; // Output: Hello Guest

// Another example
$var = 5;
$isGreaterThan2 = $var > 2 ? true : false;

It is advisable to utilize the ternary operator for straightforward conditions and avoid nesting for enhanced code clarity.

PHP Ternary Operator with Isset(): Practical Examples

$username = (isset($firstname, $lastname)) ? $firstname . ' ' . $lastname : "Guest";
echo $username . '<br>';

$firstname = 'Hyvor';
$lastname = 'Developer';
$username = (isset($firstname, $lastname)) ? $firstname . ' ' . $lastname : "Guest";
echo $username;

Tip: The isset() function checks if variables are set and not null.

Explore the essentials of PHP data types, including Booleans and Integers

PHP Null Coalescing Operator: A New PHP 7 Feature

Introduced in PHP 7, the Null Coalescing Operator is a valuable feature for assigning default values to variables, streamlining code, and enhancing readability.

Example: PHP Null Coalescing Operator

$x = $a ?? 2;
// Equivalent to: if (isset($a)) { return $a; } else { return 2; }

Nesting Null Coalescing Operator

$a = null;
$b = null;
$c = 5;
$d = 3;
var_dump($a ?? $b ?? $c ?? $d); // Output: 5

Taking Ternary Shorthand Further

The Ternary Shorthand in PHP proves invaluable for handling various scenarios efficiently. Let’s explore some additional use cases and tips to maximize its potential.

Enhancing Output Conditions

Beyond simple greetings, the Ternary Operator can be employed to enhance output conditions based on dynamic variables. Consider the following:

$temperature = 28; // Dynamically set temperature
$weatherStatus = ($temperature > 25) ? 'Warm' : 'Cool';
echo 'The weather today is: ' . $weatherStatus;

This concise code adjusts the weather status based on the temperature, providing a straightforward output.

Validating User Input

When working with user input, especially in form validation, the Ternary Operator can streamline the process:

Here, the operator checks whether the user input is empty or not, facilitating quick validation.

$userInput = $_POST['username'] ?? ''; // Get user input from a form
$isValid = ($userInput !== '') ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid';
echo 'User input is: ' . $isValid;

Ternary Shorthand Tips:

  • Keep it Simple: While the Ternary Shorthand is powerful, it’s most effective for concise conditions. Avoid excessive complexity to maintain code clarity.
  • Combine with Functions: Integrate the Ternary Operator with functions like `strlen()` or `empty()` for more versatile conditions.

For instance:

$text = 'Sample text';
$lengthStatus = (strlen($text) > 10) ? 'Long' : 'Short';
echo 'Text length status: ' . $lengthStatus;

This example evaluates if the length of the text is greater than 10 characters.

Unleashing the Power of Null Coalescing

The Null Coalescing Operator in PHP 7 introduces enhanced flexibility in handling default values. Let’s explore further applications and considerations.

Setting Default Configurations

In configuration settings, the Null Coalescing Operator simplifies the process of assigning default values:

$config = [
    'max_items' => 50, // A configuration value retrieved from a database or settings file

$maxItems = $config['max_items'] ?? 100; // Set default to 100 if not defined

echo 'Maximum allowed items: ' . $maxItems;

This ensures a default value is present if the configuration key is not explicitly defined.

Chaining Null Coalescing

The Null Coalescing Operator’s ability to chain provides a concise way to select the first defined value:

$firstChoice = null;
$secondChoice = 'Option B';
$thirdChoice = 'Option C';

$selectedOption = $firstChoice ?? $secondChoice ?? $thirdChoice;

echo 'Selected Option: ' . $selectedOption;

In this example, it picks the first non-null choice, offering flexibility in handling various scenarios.

Null Coalescing Considerations

Default to Empty Arrays: When dealing with arrays, use the null coalescing operator to default to an empty array if the key is not present:

$options = [
    'colors' => ['red', 'green', 'blue'],

$selectedColors = $options['colors'] ?? [];

echo 'Selected Colors: ' . implode(', ', $selectedColors);

This ensures smooth array handling.

Mind Type Considerations

While the null coalescing operator is versatile, be mindful of data types. Ensure the default value matches the expected type for consistent behavior.


Mastering the Ternary Shorthand and Null Coalescing Operator in PHP opens doors to efficient, readable, and flexible code. By understanding their nuances and exploring diverse applications, developers can navigate complex scenarios with elegance. Embrace these tools judiciously, applying them where their succinctness enhances the overall codebase.