PHP files are typically identified by the .php extension, a standard recognized by web servers to execute PHP scripts. For instance, when someone creates a file named hello.php and places it in their web server’s root directory, the server processes it as a PHP file. This is illustrated by a simple “Hello World” example in PHP, where the code `<?php echo ‘Hello World’; ?>` is used.

Recognizing Default Root Directories

Different servers have distinct default root directories. For WAMP Server, it’s C:\wamp\www\, while XAMPP Server uses C:\xampp\htdocs\. Similarly, Linux and Mac OS have their own default locations, /var/www/ and /htdocs/ respectively. 

Accessing PHP Pages on a Local Server

When using a local web server, accessing the PHP file is a direct process. The steps involve:

  1. Typing the Server’s URL: Enter the server’s URL into the browser. This can be either `http://localhost/hello.php` or ``;
  1. Verifying the Output: If the server and PHP file are configured correctly, the browser will display the message “Hello World”. This confirms the successful execution of the PHP script and creation of a PHP web page. 

Following these steps ensures that the PHP environment is properly set up and functioning as expected on a local server.

Troubleshooting PHP Issues

However, issues can arise. If the expected message doesn’t appear, or if the browser behaves unexpectedly (like prompting for a file download or displaying PHP code as text), it could indicate a problem. Possible causes include PHP not being enabled on the server, incorrect configuration, or the file not having a .php extension.

Resolving PHP Configuration Problems

In such cases, the first step is to ensure the file is correctly named (hello.php) and located in the server’s root directory. Revisiting the installation guide can help rectify any setup issues. Alternatively, seeking answers online, especially on platforms like StackOverflow, can provide solutions. Before posting a new question, it’s advisable to search for existing answers to similar problems.

The Role of Localhost in Web Servers

Upon installing a web server on a computer, it typically reserves http://localhost as its address. Entering http://localhost/hello.php  sends an HTTP request to the server, which then locates and executes the hello.php file from its root directory, returning the output to the browser.

Navigating the Intricacies of Localhost

For those new to this process, it might seem complex at first. However, with time and practice, understanding and navigating through the workings of localhost and PHP file execution becomes clearer and more intuitive.

Conclusion: Mastering PHP and Local Web Server Management

In conclusion, mastering PHP development begins with understanding the basics of file extensions, server directories, and accessing PHP pages on a local server. Encountering issues like non-display of the intended output often leads to valuable troubleshooting experience. It’s essential to ensure correct file naming, proper server configuration, and seeking guidance from reliable online resources when needed. Platforms like StackOverflow offer a wealth of information and community support for resolving common and complex issues. Finally, comprehending the functionality of localhost is a fundamental aspect of web development. Gradual learning and persistent practice are key to becoming proficient in managing PHP files and local web servers, paving the way for more advanced web development skills.