Unlocking the full potential of JavaScript Array functions, such as map and filter, on an HTMLCollection requires a conversion to an Array. In this article, we explore various methods to seamlessly transform an HTMLCollection to an Array using JavaScript.

Converting HTMLCollection to Array

When dealing with an HTMLCollection, it’s essential to convert it into an Array to leverage the versatility of Array functions. Here are three distinct methods to achieve this conversion in JavaScript.

Long Version

To convert an HTMLCollection to an Array, the long version involves using the `Array.prototype.slice.call()` method. This method extracts elements from a collection and converts them into an Array.

var collection = document.getElementsByTagName("div"),

// Long Version
arr = Array.prototype.slice.call(collection);

Short Version

For a more concise approach, the short version utilizes the `[].slice.call()` method. This achieves the same result as the long version but with a reduced syntax.

var collection = document.getElementsByTagName("div"),

// Short Version
arr = [].slice.call(collection);

ES6 Version

In modern JavaScript (ES6 and later), a succinct method involves using the spread operator (`…`). This streamlined approach simplifies the conversion process.

var collection = document.getElementsByTagName("div"),

// ES6 Version
arr = [...collection];

Practical Applications of HTMLCollection to Array Conversion

Now that we’ve explored different methods for converting HTMLCollections to Arrays, let’s delve into real-world scenarios where this transformation proves invaluable.

Iterating with Array Functions

Once your HTMLCollection is in Array form, you can leverage powerful Array functions like map, filter, and reduce for seamless iteration. This opens the door to more concise and expressive code, enhancing the readability of your scripts.

// Assume 'arr' is the converted Array
const transformedArray = arr.map((element) => {
  // Perform transformations or manipulations
  return modifiedElement;

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Filtering Elements

Filtering elements based on specific criteria becomes a breeze with the Array’s filter function. This is particularly useful when you need to work with a subset of elements from the original HTMLCollection.

// Assume 'arr' is the converted Array
const filteredArray = arr.filter((element) => {
  // Apply filtering conditions
  return shouldIncludeElement;

Compatibility and Considerations

While converting HTMLCollections to Arrays enhances flexibility, it’s crucial to consider compatibility and potential performance implications. Ensure that your chosen method aligns with your project’s requirements and is supported across various browsers.


Verify that the conversion method you adopt is compatible with the browsers your project targets. The ES6 spread operator, for instance, may not be supported in older browser versions.

Performance Considerations

Evaluate the performance impact of each conversion method, especially when dealing with large HTMLCollections. Profiling your code and choosing the most efficient approach is essential for optimal execution.


Effortlessly harnessing the capabilities of Array functions within JavaScript when dealing with HTMLCollections necessitates a seamless conversion process. By exploring the long, short, and ES6 versions of converting an HTMLCollection to an Array, developers can choose the method that aligns with their coding preferences. 

This newfound flexibility enhances the efficiency and functionality of JavaScript code, providing a smoother development experience. As you embark on your JavaScript journey, remember that mastering such fundamental transformations contributes significantly to your overall proficiency in web development.