In the realm of web development, forms serve as vital components that enable user interaction with websites. They act as a bridge, connecting the users with the site’s back end. One of the powerful tools used to create these forms is PHP, a server-side scripting language.

What Are Forms?

HTML forms are pivotal elements in the interconnected world of web development. They serve as dynamic platforms where users can interrelate with the elements on the website. The forms can include a diverse range of inputs such as text fields, text areas, checkboxes, radio buttons, and so forth to gather user data. The collected data can then be sent to the server for further processing.

Web development revolves around the management of these HTML forms, which is arguably one of the most crucial processes in the field. This process involves two primary steps:

  1. Constructing an HTML form;
  2. Developing a correlating PHP script that will process the data received from the forms.

This article prioritizes illuminating the handling of the forms via PHP. While it briefly addresses creating an HTML form, a complete understanding of HTML forms is beneficial. If you haven’t yet explored HTML forms, we encourage you to delve into a tutorial for a better comprehension.

The Prevalence of Forms Across Websites

Forms are ubiquitous across websites, serving diverse functionalities that make a website dynamic and user-engaging. Here are some of the widespread use-cases of forms:

  • Commenting forms: Allow users to drop their comments or feedback on blog posts or articles;
  • Subscription forms: Enable users to subscribe to regular updates, newsletters, or blog posts;
  • Contact forms: Offer users a seamless way to reach out to the website’s administration or support team;
  • Search forms: Provide users with the functionality to search for specific content or sections within the website.

These forms significantly contribute to creating a dynamic, interactive web environment.

Exploring Form HTTP Methods

HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is a protocol or a set of guidelines that enable data exchange. This protocol outlines various methods that signify the actions to be carried out on the server. At the center of these methods, two HTTP methods are predominantly used in form creation via PHP.

  • GET;
  • POST.

By default, when a user clicks a link in their browser, the GET method is invoked. Regardless of the method applied (GET or POST), data is sent as key-value pairs.

Window with program code on a computer

Detailing HTTP Methods: GET and POST


The GET method is used to retrieve data from the server. This method appends the form data into the URL in name-value pairs. Due to this, the GET method is not suitable for sending sensitive data, such as passwords. This method has limitations on the amount of data that can be sent, around 2048 characters.


The POST method is used to send form data to the server. Unlike GET, data sent using the POST method is not visible in the URL and there is no limitation on the amount of data that can be sent. This makes it ideal for transferring sensitive data.

Recommendations and Tips

  • Always use the POST method when dealing with sensitive data;
  • For simple data retrieval, the GET method is sufficient;
  • Use the GET method when you want the result of the form submission to be bookmarkable or shareable;
  • Although the POST method does not have a size limit, remember to validate and sanitize form data to bolster security.


In the realm of web development, understanding PHP forms and their functionality is paramount. They are essential tools that foster interaction between the website and its users, hence enhancing the overall user experience. By mastering the GET and POST methods, validating and sanitizing data, and managing server responses effectively, developers can produce secure and efficient PHP forms, leading to more interactive and dynamic websites.